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The End Times Bible Prophecy Newsletter, Issue #039 July 14, 2017 |
"For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus." Revelation 19:10 (NLT) Global Government: It's Closer Than You ThinkOver the past several decades, the world has moved closer and closer to global government. Free trade and globalization have taken the world by storm. National borders have been relaxed, if not completely erased. And many people see themselves as "citizens of the world" instead of citizens of their home country. Have no doubt. We've been on a slow march toward global government for decades. In recent years we've seen a worldwide pushback against this trend. Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and the rise of nationalism have led many to think free trade and globalization are on the way out. Does this signal the end for a future global government? No. Despite the recent events, there's no stopping the march toward global government. How can I be so sure? Because the Bible says it's coming. And the Bible has a perfect track record when it comes to foretelling the future. The Bible says the Antichrist will conquer other nations and create a global empire (Revelation 6:2-4). He will be so powerful, no one will be able to oppose him (Revelation 13:4). But in an age of nuclear weapons, how is this possible? Many say it's not. They say such a conquest would trigger a worldwide nuclear war. A war ending with total destruction of the planet. But keep in mind, conventional wisdom is often wrong. And this case is no different. Why do I say this? Because we won't be in the age of nuclear weapons forever. In fact, the age of nuclear weapons is about to end. And when it does, a global government will rule the world. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)In 1949, the Soviet Union became the world's second nuclear power. Since then, fear of a global nuclear war has kept humanity from destroying itself. The fear of total destruction, the idea no one can win a war between two nuclear powers, is known as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). For 70 years, it's all that's kept us from World War III. World leaders know – in an all-out nuclear war, no one wins. Because of this, we've never seen an all-out war between two nuclear powers. Many believe we never will. Sure, a regional power such as North Korea or Iran might one day cause a lot of destruction. But could they destroy the entire world? No. But a war between the United States, Russia, or China? That's a different story. For that reason alone, many believe we'll never see a war between those superpowers. It makes sense. And in the current era, it may prove true. But just because it's true now doesn't mean it will always be true. Why? Because in the coming era of advanced technology, MAD will be obsolete. The End of MADTo believe MAD will always rule the day, to believe the threat of nuclear annihilation will forever prevent a war between superpowers, is to believe nuclear technology is the pinnacle of all technology. It's not. Just as in the past, new technology will one day replace nuclear weapons. Firearms once made arrows obsolete. Tanks once made horse mounted troops obsolete. And one day soon, new technologies will make nuclear weapons obsolete. When that day comes, MAD will also be obsolete. And when MAD becomes obsolete, the world peace built on MAD will disappear. Why? Because the threat of certain and total destruction will go away. Post-MAD InstabilityWhen new technologies emerge, decades of world stability will disappear overnight. The old rules will no longer apply. Let's look at what will change: Defense Against Nuclear Weapons - For much of the nuclear age, there's been little to no defense against nuclear weapons. Once a nuclear weapon is launched, the targeted nation can do little to stop it. But that's changing. Missile defense has improved drastically in recent years. And new technologies will allow for better tracking of nuclear weapons (preventing the smuggling of nuclear weapons into enemy territory). More importantly, new technologies open up the possibility of disabling nuclear weapons before they can be launched or detonated. New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and molecular manufacturing will enable a nation to infiltrate an enemy's closed networks and mechanical systems. In such a world, a nation using outdated nuclear age technology will become just as defenseless as an army with spears trying to fight an army with firearms. Nuclear weapons alone will no longer deter an attack. The Unknown - In a world of such technologies, a nation can never be certain of enemy capabilities. Emerging technologies will be unstable and unpredictable. Advances will take place rapidly, and they won't be easy to monitor. Today, not every nation has the ability to develop nuclear weapons. Nuclear programs are difficult to conceal. But new advanced technology programs will cost less and be harder to track. This makes the spread of these technologies much more likely. Even worse, in age of cyberwarfare, you may not even know who your enemy is. All these unknowns will create suspicion and instability. And this increases the likelihood of a catastrophic war. Targeted Destruction - Once the threat of nuclear war is removed, conquered territory would once again be livable. Think about it. After an all-out nuclear war, who would want to live? Few people. What sense does it make to destroy your enemy only to live in a radioactive world? But new technologies will change this calculation. If one nation has advanced technologies, and the other doesn't, it could easily disable and conquer its enemies. With these other nations defenseless, the more advanced nation could conquer at will without fear of nuclear retaliation. Decreased Economic Cooperation - Advanced technologies will reduce world trade, lessening the impact of war. For example, China and the United States are major trading partners. A war would devastate each nation's economy. Because of this, they're less likely to go to war with each other. The price is too high. But what happens when advanced technologies make every nation self-sufficient? A major deterrent to war will disappear. As you can see, if MAD becomes obsolete, ending the threat of nuclear war is not necessarily a good thing. In such a world, a new threat will take the place of nuclear war. That threat is a new arms race involving advanced post-MAD weapons. It may prove highly unstable. If war broke out, the entire world could be destroyed. So while the threat of nuclear war would end, the threat of global destruction would not. In fact, the likelihood of global destruction would increase significantly. As terrible as this sounds, many people claim they already have the solution. Global GovernmentIn a post-MAD world, many people see only two options:
Most will choose global government. The first nation to develop advanced post-nuclear technologies will most likely take advantage of its powerful position. It will likely use its power to conquer all other nations before they develop similar technologies. This nation could then establish a monopoly when it comes to these new technologies. And it will use its global monopoly to create a new and stable world order. Think about it. If no one is left who can wage war against this nation, the world will be at peace. Unfortunately, the world will also be under the hand of global government. ConclusionGlobal government is coming. If it doesn't arrive sooner, advanced technologies will eventually force it. The Bible says global government is coming, and the Antichrist will be its ruler (Revelation 13:7). The Bible also says the Antichrist will not be revealed until the restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7). This means, as we live out the last days of the era of MAD, both the rapture and the Second Coming are very near. Jesus is coming! What do you think? Is global government on the horizon? If so, how do you think it will come about? Voice your opinion on our Facebook page. This Newsletter Powered by Site Build It! |
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