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The End Times Bible Prophecy Newsletter, Issue #003 September 08, 2010 |
Hello, What a joy it is to study bible prophecy and gain insight into the Lord's Word. Thanks for joining us! Below are the headline topics of this month's newsletter:
"For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus." Revelation 19:10 (NLT) Hawking: God Did Not Create UniverseStephen Hawking, world famous physicist and author of the bestselling book A Brief History of Time (1988), now discounts the necessity of God in the creation of the universe. In his new book, The Grand Design (2010), Hawking seems to backtrack on his earlier assertion that human discoveries can allow us to "know the mind of God." He now believes "spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going." While the world celebrates Stephen Hawking as a modern day genius, comparing him to past world renown intellectuals such as Isaac Newton, God discounts his line of thinking as worthless.
Isaac Newton was a true genius who, in his wisdom, acknowledged God's role as Creator. According to the Bible, Stephen Hawking is a fool. Why? Because:
Unfortunately, most of the people of this world are deceived into believing the wisdom of this world. They hold up the work of men like Stephen Hawking as the stuff of genius beyond the comprehension of all those outside of a small self-proclaimed intellectual elite. Yet, God's way is not to make wisdom the exclusive domain of a small minority of humanity. His message is simple and easy to understand for all those who seek Him.
Fears of Global Food ShortageRecently, Russia announced a year long extension of a self-imposed grain export ban, raising global fears of a possible food shortage and international unrest. Russia's accouncement occurred in tandem with a United Nations Food and Agriculature Organization emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with a current wheat shortage. The Book of Revelation reveals that a shortage of food will take place in the end times:
Three loaves of barley are equal to approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive. While the current food shortage is NOT the famine cited in Revelation 6:5-6 (because that famine occurs during the Tribulation), it does illustrate the tenuous nature of the world's food supply. A signficant portion of the world's population depends solely on imported wheat, rice, corn, and soy for food. If something disrupts those imports, it will not take long for a catastrophic famine to set in. Jesus Himself told His followers to look for famines as a sign of His near return:
5 Doomsday Scenarios for the U.S. EconomyThis Yahoo news article courtesy of The Atlantic poses five doomsday scenarios for the U.S. economy:
All five of these scenarios are in play as a result of the current deflationary spiral. Why is the United States and most of the world in such a precarious financial position? Because most of the world chose to ignore God's wisdom, choosing instead to grow drunk on a debt-induced spending binge. The Bible warns over and over of the dangers of debt:
The current debt-based world economy is a house of cards ready to collapse. When everyone in the world lives beyond his means, it won't be long before everyone in the world will be forced to live below his means. It's not too late for the world to follow God's financial principles. Unfortunately, as noted in the Stephen Hawking story above, many people will most likely continue to follow the wisdom of this world. Other HeadlinesIran's President Says Israel to be Removed from the WorldOnce again, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for the removal of Israel from the world scene while a raucous crowd of supporters chanted "Death to America! Death to Israel!" While the Iranian President zealously follows his false god, he remains unaware that he's sticking his finger in the eye of the real Lord, God Almighty - the God of Israel. As God promised Abraham:
History is littered with fallen nations and conquered leaders who dared to curse Israel. The same will soon ring true for Mr. Ahmadinejad. Immigrating Out of FearIn the past 6 months, an increasing number of Turkish Jews have fled Turkey in favor of Israel due to a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This story underscores the recent radical change in the Turkish government and culture, a change from pro-Western Muslim ally to one of anti-Western Muslim fundamentalism. For years, world observers have wondered why Turkey is included in the Gog / Magog alliance in the Book of Ezekiel, given its status as one of Israel's most dependable friends in the region. Now we're starting to see a strain in diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel which foreshadows the last days Gog and Magog war. Israel Plans to Strike SyriaAccording to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Israel is planning to strike Hezbollah weapons storage and production facilities in Syria. This report goes hand-in-hand with another report of increasing diplomatic and military cooperation between Syria, Hezbollah, and Lebanon in preparation for war with Israel. Could these news events possibly foreshadow the destruction of Damascus as outlined in Isaiah 17?
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