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The End Times Bible Prophecy Newsletter, Issue #004 October 10, 2010 |
Hello, What a joy it is to study bible prophecy and gain insight into the Lord's Word. Thanks for joining us! Below are the headline topics of this month's newsletter:
Europe Needs a Directly Elected Leader with CharismaIn Spiegel Online's "Europe Needs a Directly Elected Leader with Charisma," various German commentators weigh in on European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso's recent "state of the union" speech and his uninspiring attempts to raise the political profile of the European Union. As the article states, "The consensus is that Europe needs a more passionate advocate if ordinary people are to overcome their apathy regarding the EU." This sentiment prompted the left-leaning newspaper Die Tageszeitung to write:
For a certain segment of the European political establishment, the endgame of the European Union is complete political unity of the member states, with all national sovereignty ceded to the EU. So why is this important? The Bible tells us that a charismatic leader will come to power in the last days. This leader will gain unprecedented dictatorial power over all the people of the world:
According to Daniel, this leader will come from among the people whose armies destroyed the Temple:
The armies that destroyed the city and the Temple in A.D. 70 were Roman armies. This means the Antichrist will arise from among the Roman and/or Italian people. Additional prophecies concerning the resurrection of the Roman Empire have led many generations of bible prophecy students to look for the rise of a united European continent in the last days. It’s quite possible the European Union will soon get its "directly elected leader with charisma," and he will turn out to be the Antichrist. Computers Set for Quantum LeapIn "Two-Photon Walk a Giant Stride for Quantum Computing," Gizmag's Dario Borghino describes a major breakthrough which could lead to quantum computing much earlier than scientists originally expected. The advent of quantum computers will bring enormous computing power, power far in excess of today's computers:
And an age of quantum computing will probably come in tandem with molecular manufacturing, providing the world with cheap abundant solar energy and more powerful efficient products. As discussed previously, the first nation to develop molecular manufacturing will have an enormous military advantage over all the other nations of the world. A lone nation in possession of molecular manufacturing and quantum computing is more than capable of conquering and controlling the entire world's population. Of course, the Bible describes such an event in regard to the end times. The Antichrist is an individual who manages to conquer the world and maintain greater control over his subjects than any other dictator in the history of the world:
Yet the Antichrist is described as deriving his power from a source other than himself:
The Antichrist will worship a god of fortresses he believes to be impenetrable. Nevertheless, Christ will ultimately conquer the Antichrist's kingdom. Parting of the Red SeaIn "Parting of the Red Sea Jibes with Natural Laws," Our Amazing Planet attempts to portray the Exodus story as a coincidental and natural weather event rather than a miraculous act of God. In fact, the story boldly attributes the parting of the Red Sea to "Mother Nature":
The story goes on to state:
Of course, the idea that archaeologists and Egyptologists "have found little evidence that any events described in Exodus actually happened" is misleading at best. I guess it depends on what your definition of "little evidence" is. Nevertheless, if such people believe God's parting of the Red Sea is an ancient myth, why are they so intent on finding an alternative explanation for it? Why spend so much time and energy trying to explain away something you believe never happened? As Paul wrote in his letter to Timothy:
The myth here is not the parting of the Red Sea, but the modern day attempt to make God's miracle a mere weather related coincidence. Most people today would rather reject the truth and chase after myths because embracing the truth means embracing God. And the world loves darkness more than light. They hate the light, because they fear their sinfulness will be exposed. This is not my opinion, but what Jesus Himself says:
Other HeadlinesGangster Government Stifles Criticism of ObamacareIn "Gangster Government Stifles Criticism of Obamacare," Michael Barone points out the strong arm tactics of the federal government in dealing with criticism of Obamacare:
The Bible tells us that the future of the world is one of totalitarian rule. Seeing the land of liberty, the United States of America, descend into a state of totalitarianism is just the first step toward the Antichrist's worldwide kingdom. A War Without BoundariesIranian President Ahmedinejad threatened "a war without boundaries" if the United States or Israel dares to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel has made it clear that a second Holocaust will not be tolerated, and a nuclear Iran poses just such an existential threat to the Jewish state. Sooner or later, either Iran will attack Israel or be attacked itself. It's quite doubtful that zero conflict will result from Iran's nuclear ambitions. When war erupts, will it spill over into one of the wider conflicts described in the Bible? Psalm 83 describes a plan to destroy Israel by a coalition of her neighbors:
And Isaiah 17 describes the destruction of Damascus in Syria:
Ezekiel 38-39 is also a future conflict which is likely on the horizon. Could we be witnessing the beginning of one of these long ago prophesied biblical conflicts? New ArticlesMake sure to check out End Times Bible Prophecy's newest articles "Who is the Antichrist?" and "America in Bible Prophecy." We also added a new section titled "Encouraging Bible Verses." Thanks for joining us, and may the Lord bless you in the coming month. Your friend in Christ, Britt This Newsletter Powered by Site Build It! |
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