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The End Times Bible Prophecy Newsletter, Issue #005 November 15, 2010 |
Hello, What a joy it is to study bible prophecy and gain insight into the Lord's Word. Thanks for joining us! Below are the headline topics of this month's newsletter:
Ireland's Fate Tied To Doomed BanksA recent Wall Street Journal article highlights continuing European debt problems. In May, it was Greece. Now, it's Ireland under the gun, and soon, it promises to be all of Europe. In early September, Ireland's Finance Minister demanded a final worst case estimate for his country debt crisis. The final tally? More than $50,000 per household:
This is just the latest story in a European debt crisis that threatens to blow sky high. The reason? Well, aside from spending more money than they have, each of the nations in question - Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain, and others - ceded sovereignty over its currency to a foreign central bank. In this case, the European Central Bank (ECB). If Ireland had control over its own currency, it could take the necessary steps to bring its debt crisis under control. This is a problem inherent in the European Union and its common currency. Without common political and fiscal unity, the weaker economic nations will find themselves crushed under the inbalances imposed on them by the stronger nations. The only way to end the European debt crisis once and for all is for nations like Ireland to either pull out of the EU and recirculate its own national currency or to cede its political and fiscal sovereignty to the European Union. Given the Bible's prophecies regarding a revived Roman Empire, it seems more likely that Ireland and its peers will opt for further unity. Mystery Missile Launch In U.S.Last week featured one of the more interesting stories of the year when a local news crew captured pictures of what appears to be a missile launched off the coast of San Diego. An explanation was never really given, with the U.S. military initially stating that they knew nothing of the event. If you look at the footage, it's hard to say it looks like anything other than a rocket or a missile. Amazingly, this story appeared then disappeared within a 36 hour news cycle. And it may be that the news footage is nothing more than a plane. But what if it was a missile? And what if the military is telling the truth when it says it knew nothing about it? If the pictures from this story are from a non-U.S. missile, where did it come from? China? Russia? North Korea? Was China sending a message to Washington? Were terrorists test launching a shoulder fired missle? The lack of answers should be an ongoing news story itself. Turning Churches Against IsraelAnti-Israel British Anglican priest Stephen Sizer, and the evangelical creator of the pro-Palestinian movie "With God on Our Side," are touring America, hoping to change the mindset of evangical Christians who support Israel. Sizer and his friends are markedly anti-Israel, pushing Palestinian propaganda to their audiences. As the article states:
Unfortunately, this type of thinking along with "replacement theology" (the idea that God's replaced Israel with the Church in regard to His promise to Abraham), is making great headway in American evangelical churches. This is a sign of rot in the church. God has made His intentions for Israel clear:
According to God, when this happens, "you will know that I am the Lord."
Israel became a nation in a single day on May 14, 1948.
According to God, "It was I who created them."
According to God, "I will bring them back to this land that I gave their ancestors." God made it clear through His Word long before we were born that He would bring the Jews back into the land of Israel once again. To set ourselves against Israel is to set ourselves against God. Now, does this mean that we should blindly follow any and all policies put forth by the Israeli government? No. But to say that Israel is an evil nation occupying land illegally is contrary to God's Word, and to say that modern day Israel has no place in God's plan is disingenuous at best. Other HeadlinesMan On His Knees Before The PresidentReuters captured this photo of a man on his knees before a car carrying Barack Obama as he left a Chicago restaurant last month. Is this a continuation of Obama worship? Or is it just a sign of how bad things have gotten in the United States both economically and morally? Let's hope it's neither and this man is praying for the president. Currency Wars Should Be FearedIn a recent investment note, Comstock Partners featured the following comments:
This is a sign that central bankers around the world are failing in their myriad attempts to produce inflation, despite the cries of many who claim that hyperinflation is just around the corner. In the article "Hyperinflation?" we addressed this subject early in the process, identifying the current economic downturn as a deflationary spiral. The Great Depression was a deflationary event which witnessed most of the monetary events outlined in the Comstock Partners note. So why does all this matter? Because it illustrates that our current economic troubles are far from over, and economic crises have historically caused great political upheaval. The Bible reveals that in the end times, one king will rise among ten and become dictator of the world:
The Great Depression gave the world Hitler, and it came closer than most people think to estinguishing freedom and liberty in the United States. What will "The Great Depression 2.0" bring us? Euro Under Siege As Now Portugal Hits Panic ButtonWith Ireland already in the spotlight, the European debt crisis has now spread to Portugal:
Yet again, the European debt crisis threatens to blow up into a global economic meltdown. Yet, lost in the economic story is an even bigger political story. Note the quote below (emphasis mine):
In exchange for a bail-out, Ireland is expected to give up its economic and political independence. What will this entail? And if contagion spreads throughtout the European bond market as speculated in the article, will the subsequent bail-outs result in a loss of economic and political independence for all of Europe or just those nations in need of a bailout? We may be witnessing the birth of a new European superstate. Thanks for joining us, and may the Lord bless you in the coming month. Your friend in Christ, Britt This Newsletter Powered by Site Build It! |
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