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The Book of RevelationThe Book of Revelation is probably the most avoided and misunderstood book in the Bible. The events described don't necessarily take place in chronological order, and the language used often relies on symbols and obscure references most Christians don't understand. As a result, many Christians read the New Testament up until the Book of Revelation, and then they stop. And this is unfortunate. Why? Because the Book of Revelation is a message from Jesus Christ Himself:
Jesus presented His revelation to the apostle John, who was exiled on the island of Patmos. The result was the Book of Revelation, and below is a brief overview of its subject matter... The Message of JesusThe Book of Revelation begins with John's vision of Jesus Christ, as well as a message conveyed by Jesus to seven churches...
Jesus gives a personal message to each church. These were real first century churches in Asia Minor, but some believe they also resemble believing Christians from the various chronological time periods from then to now. Regardless of whether or not that's true, the messages conveyed by Jesus are messages each member of the body of Christ should take to heart. For example, here's part of the message given to the church in Philadelphia:
Persevere. Remain steadfast in your faith until the very end. Those who are alive at the time will be protected from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world (The Tribulation). As a result of the rapture, they will not die, but instead be transformed in an instant. The Lamb of GodIn books 4 and 5, John is taken into heaven, where he sees the Lamb of God:
Only Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slaughtered, is worthy to open the scroll and break the seals. When the Lamb breaks the first seal, a time of Tribulation begins on earth in preparation for the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Four Horsemen of the ApocalypseIn Chapter 6, the Lamb breaks the first of the seven seals on the scroll. This act unleashes the infamous four horsemen of the Apocalypse:
This rider is the first of four horses let loose in Chapter 6. They are the: 1) Rider on the white horse Each horseman brings a unique set of circumstances in his wake, profoundly effecting the world population. The 144,000In Chapter 7, we see four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the winds, but they are forbidden from unleashing the winds until a seal in placed on God's servants:
The seal is placed on 12,000 individuals from each of the 12 tribes of Israel:
This seal from God protects those who receive it from the harm which will come upon the land, sea, and trees as a result of the four angels releasing the winds. The Trumpet JudgmentsChapter 8 witnesses the breaking of the seventh and final seal, as well as the beginning of the trumpet judgments:
The first trumpet sets one-third of the earth on fire. The second trumpet turns one-third of the sea into blood. The third trumpet makes one-third of the world's drinking water bitter. The fourth trumpet makes one-third of the earth dark. Chapter 9 brings the remaining trumpet judgments. The Two Witnesses of RevelationDuring this time of unprecedented global tribulation, God will give power to His two witnesses:
God's two witnesses will prophesy for three and a half years, and during that time they will have power to keep the rain from falling, to turn rivers and oceans to blood, and to strike the earth with plagues of every kind - powers God once gave to Moses and Elijah. Eventually, the two witnesses will be killed:
This event sheds light on the unique technologies of Revelation, because absent supernatural means, it was previously impossible for the world to simultaneously watch a single geographic location prior to the development of our generation's technology. The Woman and the DragonIn Chapter 12, John witnesses a great event:
The woman in this passage represents the nation of Israel, and she's about to give birth to a child - Jesus Christ. However, Satan is not pleased with this:
The large red dragon in this passage is Satan, and his seven heads and ten horns represent world government. And the one-third of the starts he sweeps from the sky with his tail represent the fallen angels who participated in Satan's rebellion against God. Satan is ready and waiting for the Messiah's birth, intending to destroy Him as soon as He's born. Nevertheless:
Jesus Christ is born. His life ministry is a great success. He is crucified, resurrected, and then caught up to God and His throne. Due to Satan's continued persecution, Israel is forced to flee into the wilderness during the three and a half years of the Great Tribulation. This is a time of unparalleled tribulation. Why? Because Satan and his demonic legions make their home on earth...
During the mid-point of the seven year Tribulation, Satan and his angels lose a battle in heaven, which throws them down to the earth. Knowing he has little time, Satan is filled with great anger. The Beast Out of the SeaChapter 13 of the Book of Revelation introduces the beast out of the sea:
The beast out of the sea represents world government, and world government gets its power and authority from Satan. The Tribulation period is marked by the rule of a revived Roman Empire which gives its power and authority to one man. The Beast Out of the EarthChapter 13 also introduces the beast out of the earth:
The beast out of the earth has "two horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke with the voice of dragon." In other words, the beast out of the earth appears to a Messiah, but his words betray him as a devil. This beast exercises all of the authority of the first beast, the revived roman empire. This is the Antichrist. 666: Revelation's MysteryOne of the most infamous and intriguing passages in the Book of Revelation is found in Chapter 13:
These verses reveal that the Antichrist will force everyone in the world to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. This mark, known as "the mark of the beast," is required in order to buy or sell anything. In essence, this mark gives the Antichrist complete and total control of global commerce. ArmageddonChapter 16 of the Book Revelation introduces another infamous concept:
Armageddon is often associated with the end of the world or destruction on mass scale, such as nuclear war, a global pandemic, or a large asteroid strike. But the Book of Revelation never associates any of these events with Armageddon. Instead, it identifies Armageddon as a geographical location where the rulers of the world and their armies gather together. The Great ProstituteChapter 17 of the Book of Revelation introduces the Great Prostitute:
The Great Prostitute represents false religion, which through the centuries, has persecuted the saints and provided great wealth and power for the kings of the world. In the last days, the world's false religious systems will be utterly destroyed. The Fall of BabylonBut false religion won't be alone in its destruction. The end times will also witness the rise of Babylon as the center of global commerce. But Babylon's rise will be short-lived. God's judgment will destroy her:
The destruction of Babylon will come swiftly, in a single moment. And the kings of the world and those who enjoyed Babylon's luxuries will mourn for her, terrified. The Rider on the White HorseIn Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation, heaven opens and the rider on the white horse appears:
The rider on the white horse is Jesus Christ. He is the Word of God in flesh who wears a robe dipped in blood. This chapter of the Book of Revelation describes the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, which He alluded to on several occasions. Here's one such instance:
On the day of His return, there will be deep mourning among the people of the earth who oppose Jesus Christ. The Millennial KingdomChapter 20 of the Book of Revelation introduces the Millennial Kingdom of God:
With Satan bound in chains in the bottomless pit and Jesus Christ reigning on earth as King, a 1,000-year time of peace comes over the earth. This is known as the Millennial Kingdom. However, after the 1,000 is over, Satan must be released for a short time... The Defeat of SatanSatan's release from the bottomless pit will lead to a new rebellion:
Despite the personal rule of Jesus Christ, humanity still wrestles with its sinful nature during the time of the Millennial Kingdom. Because of man's fallen state, Satan's ability to deceives results in numerous converts to his latest and last rebellion. Nevertheless, Satan's rebellion will fail:
Satan's ultimate destiny is the fiery lake of burning sulfur... Hell. The Final JudgmentFollowing the Millennial Kingdom and Satan's rebellion, the dead are judged before God's throne:
One day, the dead (both great and small) will be judged according to what they have done. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire, while those whose names are found in the Book of Life will enter eternity in the New Jerusalem... The New JerusalemChapter 21 of the Book of Revelation introduces us to the New Jerusalem:
Jesus spoke about the New Jerusalem when He said:
Jesus is Coming!The Book of Revelation paints a vivid picture of humanity's future, from the Church Age to the end of the Millennial Kingdom... Through seven years of Tribulation to the Final Judgment. The book is a revelation of truth from Jesus Christ. And the most fundamental truth is this:
Yes, Christ is coming! If you have not yet, repent of your sins. Turn your attention to the Creator. Ask for forgiveness, and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. This opportunity will not last forever. Eventually, He will come:
Britt Gillette is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy and the author of multiple books. Receive his book 7 Signs of the End Times for FREE when you sign up for his free Substack. Return to the top of The Book of Revelation Return to The Book of Revelation Return to the End Times Bible Prophecy Website Homepage
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