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The Millennial KingdomWhat is the Millennial Kingdom? And how does it fit into God's plan for our future? According to the Bible, the Millennial Kingdom will arrive following the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, which occurs at the conclusion of the seven year Tribulation. After He defeats the Antichrist and the armies arrayed against Him, Christ will separate all the humans left on earth into two groups - those who placed their faith in Him and those who did not. Those who placed their faith in Christ will enter into the Millennial Kingdom, a 1,000 year period where Christ Himself rules over the nations of the earth.
So what is this "Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world?" It's the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. Satan BoundIn tandem with the establishment of His Kingdom, Christ has Satan bound for the full duration of the 1,000 years.
Following the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, Satan is bound in chains and thrown into the bottomless pit. But this isn't a permanent sentence for Satan. At the end of the 1,000 year period, he's released for a short time. The 1,000 Year ReignWith Satan bound and Christ on His earthly throne, the world will experience a thousand years of peace and tranquility. The Millennial Kingdom will be populated by Christian saints and believers throughout human history, including those who came to know Christ after the rapture and were martyred for their belief:
The resurrection of the Tribulation Saints is part of the first resurrection:
But what does it mean that "the rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended?" Does that mean that some Christians will miss the Millennial Kingdom? No. "The rest of the dead," is a reference to the Great White Throne Judgment, which is addressed later in this article. Christians throughout the ages will all participate in the Millennial Kingdom in one way or another. However, the timing of their resurrections will be different:
All Paul describes, "everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life." However, the order of the resurrection is not the same for everyone. Christ is resurrected first, followed by those resurrected at the rapture (all the Old Testament and New Testament saints and all those who have believed in Christ up until the time of the rapture), and then, at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom, those who came to know Christ between the rapture and the Glorious Appearing will be resurrected. This is a not a resurrection of the soul, but of the body. For upon the first death, our souls go straight into the presence of Christ. But upon the rapture, our souls will receive glorious, perfected bodies:
Believers Will Rule Under ChristThose who escape the power of the "second death" - the resurrected Christian saints - reign under Christ in His Kingdom. This is evidenced in several scriptural passages:
Jesus Himself assured His apostles that they would rule the 12 tribes of Israel:
John's vision in the Book of Revelation provides us with a glimpse of the Millennial Kingdom:
But authority to rule under Christ is not reserved solely for the contemporary apostles of Jesus. All Christians will participate:
In the Millennial Kingdom, those of us who have trusted in Christ throughout the ages will be given authority by Christ to rule over the nations of the earth. Earth During the Millennial KingdomWith Christ at the head of His worldwide Kingdom, the earth will experience a radical transformation. Unlike today, people will be full of sense and understanding, and respect and admiration will be reserved only for those who deserve it.
In contrast to today's world where the righteous face persecution while the world worships a celebrity culture that advocates degenerate behavior, the Millennial Kingdom will not hold up foolishness as heroic. In addition, all violent conflict within the animal kingdom itself and between the animal kingdom and mankind will disappear. As a result, humans and animals will live in a state of peace most will find difficult to imagine:
A baby will be safe even in a nest of cobras! In fact, in the Millennial Kingdom, infant mortality rates will plummet across the board:
The human lifespan during the Millennial Kingdom will be well in excess of 100 years. Many of the dangers of today's world will disappear. People will not have to worry about the actions of invaders or tyrannical governments. They will be able to enjoy the fruits of their own labor and live life the way God intended. In fact, God will answer prayers before they're even finished!
In addition to all these wonderful characteristics, the Millennial Kingdom will feature its own version of the Appian Way - a great road that goes through the once deserted land - the Highway of Holiness.
War will be a thing of the past.
In short, the Millennial Kingdom will be the peace on earth that mankind has always claimed to crave. Satan Let Out to DeceiveHowever, as wonderful as it is, the Millennial Kingdom is not intended to last for eternity. After a thousand years, Satan will be let out of the bottomless pit, and he will be allowed to deceive the nations:
Despite the fact that Christ personally rules the earth and lives among men, man's sinful nature eventually erupts in rebellion. While the Millennial Kingdom was initially populated with a remnant of Christ's followers (those saved during the Tribulation) who survive until His return at Armageddon, these believers multiply throughout the earth and become a multitude ? with many offspring who didn't experience the Tribulation firsthand and were never forced to make a personal decision for or against Christ. Sadly, some of these children, grandchildren, and other blood relatives of those who come out of the Tribulation never come to know Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. When Satan is unloosed, they quickly join in his rebellion. Man's Final RebellionThis final rebellion by mankind will feature an army as numerous as the sands along the seashore. They will surround Jerusalem and God's people:
Like all previous rebellions against God, this siege will be yet another futile attempt to overthrow God's power. Fire from heaven consumes the armies, and the Millennial Kingdom draws to a close as God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The Lake of Burning SulfurFollowing the rebellion, Satan is thrown into the lake of fire:
Along with the beast and the false prophet, he will be tormented day and night forever and ever. They are the first of the dead to be judged, others soon follow... The Great White Throne JudgmentThe end of the Millennial Kingdom initiates the Great White Throne Judgment, the judgment of all the humans in history who died in their sins:
The Great White Throne Judgment completes God's judgment of the human race. While everyone will ultimately face the Lord for judgment, Christians need not fear the Great White Throne Judgment. Why? Because "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) The New JerusalemAfter the Great White Throne Judgment, God unveils the centerpiece of His new heaven and earth - the New Jerusalem.
The description of the new Jerusalem is the basis for most of today's popular impressions of what heaven looks like. The main street of the city is pure gold, as pure as glass, and it features twelve "pearly gates," where each gate is single pearl:
But the new Jerusalem is far more than a jewel-encrusted picture of beauty, it's the literal home of God Himself:
The new Jerusalem is the heaven which awaits those who believe in Christ. While we tend to think of heaven as a place far away from this earth (and it is right now), heaven is really defined as the dwelling place of God. After the Millennial Kingdom, God will make His home on earth in the new Jerusalem, and He will dwell among His people. Jesus Himself described the new Jerusalem for His followers:
Right now, Jesus is preparing a place for you, and what a wonderful place it will be!
ConclusionWhile the Millennial Kingdom itself is not eternal, it represents the initial phase in Christ's eternal rule: Christ will sit on His glorious throne, and as His followers, we will rule the nations as His representatives. This is the eternal government Daniel described when interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream:
God revealed the future to Daniel, and the future He revealed is certain. One day the God of heaven will destroy all the governments of this world, and He will set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It's rule is eternal. Christ is coming soon, and when He comes, He will establish His Kingdom. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus. Come! Britt Gillette is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy and the author of multiple books. Receive his book 7 Signs of the End Times for FREE when you sign up for his free Substack. Return to the top of The Millennial Kingdom Return to the End Times Bible Prophecy Website Homepage
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