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TranshumanismAs the world draws closer and closer to the day of Christ's return, the exponential pace of technological change will play an increasing role in the fulfillment of bible prophecy. The development of technologies such as molecular manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing will trigger abrupt and radical changes in the global economic, social, and geopolitical landscape. The acceleration and magnitude in development of these powerful technologies will dwarf the Industrial Revolution in size and scale. Foreseeing such change, the world should note the various social philosophies and political movements which emerged during the Industrial Revolution. Darwinism, Marxism, Communism, Facism, and eugenics all emerged within a few short decades. While the Industrial Revolution was not absolutely necessary for, nor was the it the cause of, the rise in popularity for each of these movements - it did serve to amplify their influence. So what small movements might explode in popularity during the next technological revolution? One possible candidate is the transhumanist movement... What Is Transhumanism?The definition of transhumanism varies depending on who you consult, but here's Wikipedia's take:
These are noble goals. After all, who could be against ending disabilities, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death? Yet the aforementioned philosophical and political movements of the Industrial Revolution - Marxism, Facism, Communism, and eugenics - all had similar utopian goals. Despite their promises, the real world application of each resulted in unprecedented death and destruction. If the Transhumanist movement takes flight, it will result in more of the same. Why? Because all of these movements fail to address the root cause of the current human condition - the sinful nature of man. Instead of placing God at the center, each of these movements places "extraordinary" men at the center, whether through means of a ruling elite class, a master race, or the evolutionary development of "better" human beings. After the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin gained widespread traction, it seems logical that most of its adherents would draw the conclusion that the current version of humanity is not "the final product," but only an early stage in a continuing evolutionary process. This belief lies at the heart of the transhumanist movement:
In fact, following this line of thinking, human beings have a moral imperative to take charge of their own evolutionary progress and expidite the process:
If achieved, the desired result would be the attainment of a "posthuman" status, akin to nirvana:
Given the utopian promises, as well as the exciting prospect of participating in such revolutionary change, look for the transhumanist movement to gain in popularity as we approach the singularity and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The World Transhumanist Association (TWA)Anticipation of the singularity and the exponential pace of technological change has spawned the organization of like-minded individuals who look forward to a posthuman world and seek to hasten its arrival:
The World Transhumanist Association (WTA) has since changed its name to Humanity+, but its focus as an organization dedicated to developing transhumanist ideas and policies remains unchanged. At its core, the organization promotes the development of the next step in humanity's evolutionary process:
So what fuels this desire to transition to "posthuman" status? Is it really idealistic, utopian goals, or is it really just an inherent desire to overcome the "biological chains" of humanity? For most transhumanists, its probably the latter. As Wikipedia cites:
A theme "of humans breaking away from their biological limitations and the Earth's gravity as they head into space?" That theme sounds familiar... Transhumanism In Bible ProphecyThe bible has a lot to say about our future. Approximately 3,000 years ago, King David wrote about the hearts of men just prior to the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, as men prepared to "free themselves from God's slavery":
The viewpoint of end time humanity is one of animosity toward God. Humanity will view its limitations as arbitrary obstacles erected by God. As a result, humanity will prepare for battle against the Lord in an effort to break the shackles of its perceived oppressor. The Transhumanist Declaration asserts a desire which has much in common with the attitude of humanity in the last days:
When asked by His disciples to describe the time of the end and the day of His Coming, Jesus stated:
In this translation, the phrase "not a single person will survive" is deceptive. Why? Because it's the result of the translator's assumption that the phrases "no flesh will survive" and "no people will survive" are interchangable. Assuming the possibility exists for a transhumanist future, the two phrases are not. According to Strong's Concordance, the key Greek word in this phrase is translated "sarx," and means:
Taken in its original context, Jesus did not necessarily say that unless those days are shortened, "humanity will not survive." Instead, he said unless those days are shortened, "no flesh will survive." If the transhumanist movement suceeds in transforming the human race into a race of "posthumans" who no longer need flesh covered bones to survive, then these words of Jesus take on an entirely different meaning. And it doesn't take an illogical leap of faith to draw this conclusion. After all, it seems reasonable to assume that humanity will have to undergo some sort of radical transformation in order to plot a war against God Almighty. The arrogant impulse already exists. All that remains is the need for an exponential increase in human power which deludes humanity into believing it can overcome the Lord of lords. And make no mistake about it, the Bible is clear that this is where humanity is ultimately headed - physical conflict with God:
Do not confuse the "war" with a spiritual struggle. According to Strong's Concordance, the key word here is translated "polemos," and means:
The word "polemos" appears at least 16 times in the New Testament, and in each case, it refers to physical conflict, not a spiritual one as Paul refers to here:
When Paul speaks of the spiritual struggle, he uses the word "pale." According to Strong's Concordance, "pale" means:
Clearly, the Bible differentiates between our everyday spiritual struggle with the forces of darkness and literal phsyical conflict in the form of war. Regarding the Antichrist, the gathering at Armageddon, and the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, it's clearly prophesied that man will engage in physical battle with God Almighty:
The power of the Antichrist will be immense enough to attack the heavenly armies, throwing angels to the ground and trampling them in the process. He will even attack the Commander of heaven's armies, Jesus Christ. But the attack is futile. Jesus will destroy the Antichrist and all those aligned against God. The Transhumanist AgendaUltimately, the transhumanist agenda is nothing new. The transhumanist movement seeks:
Some humans will ultimately achieve these goals. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, they will witness: 1) The end of death and suffering...
2) The end of starvation and disease...
and 3) The end of disabilities...
All of these hopes are realized in heaven. So essentially, the transhumanist agenda is one that seeks to achieve heaven on earth. The problem with the transhumanist movement is that there's only one path to heaven. All others are false:
Final implementation of the transhumanist agenda is a blatant attempt to "sneak over the wall of the sheepfold, rather than going through the gate." It's an agenda that will ultimately fail. Christ is the only gate that leads into heaven. Those who try to enter by any other means are doomed to failure:
To learn more about the transhumanist movement and its adherent's positions, read the Humanity+ website. Britt Gillette is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy and the author of multiple books. Receive his book 7 Signs of the End Times for FREE when you sign up for his free Substack. Return to the top of Transhumansim Return to the End Times Bible Prophecy Website Homepage
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